What we have done is in full accord with the humane spirit. 我们所做的一切都是完全符合人道精神的。
The adoption of orphans in China has laws to go by and is in full accord with the principles put forward by the United Nations in the Convention on the Rights of Children. 中国的孤儿收养工作有法可依,也完全符合联合国《儿童权利公约》提出的原则。
Automatic compensation of linear velocity can guarantee that die-cutting size for each batch of cartons is in full accord. 线速度自动补偿确保每批纸箱的模切尺寸完全一致。
Countries did not set out emissions targets in full, deferring that to January 31; a small group prevented the formal adoption of the accord; and there was no timetable for turning the accord into a legally binding treaty. 各国并未阐明完整的减排目标,而是将这项工作推迟到了1月31日;由于个别国家的阻碍,该协议未获正式通过;在把该协议转化为具有法律约束力的条约方面,目前尚无时间表。
The recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and I found myself in full accord when I read its opening lines: "A time comes when silence is betrayal." 我对你们执委会最近的声明深有同感,当我阅读到它的开场白的时候就甚有共鸣:“这是一个'沉默即是背叛'的时刻。”
In new historical time, TVUs should give full play to advance vocational education and higher education popularity, accord to the thinking of ″ developing opening educating, strengthening vocational education, expanding skills training ″, to make the new contribution for the countryside society harmonious development. 在新的历史时期,电大应按照发展开放教育、强化职业教育、拓展技能培训的思路,大力推进职业教育普及和高等教育大众化,为农村社会和谐发展作出新的贡献。
Piano works and piano education are always in full accord. 钢琴作品和钢琴教学一直是相辅相承的,中国钢琴作品对钢琴教学的影响是渐进的,逐步发展成长的。
The result of western-blot is in full accord with gel analysis and mass identification. 3. 蛋白质印迹实验证明凝胶分析和质谱鉴定结果是一致的。